
2024 Grant Applications Closed

Sky Foundation Seed Grant Application 2024

We award seed-money grants – with initial grants starting at $50,000 – to provide the essential funds needed by researchers to develop their projects to the point where they can compete and secure major funding from the National Institutes of Health and other national funding sources.

DUE AUGUST 1, 2024

Sky Foundation announces its 2024 seed grant call for proposals. At least three $50,000 awards will be granted, judged to be the best application from each of three categories of applicants: 1) a postdoctoral fellow or non-tenure track faculty member; 2) a pre-tenured tenured track faculty member and 3) a tenured faculty member. The research must be in the field of pancreatic cancer. Studies intended to advance knowledge in the areas of pancreatic carcinoma, especially early detection and novel therapies, would be closest to the areas of interest for Sky Foundation. The funding must be for a project where the results lead to valuable preliminary data that could lead to a larger grant that would potentially be transformative.


Research/Grant Criteria
The research must be in the field of pancreatic cancer. Studies intended to advance knowledge in the areas of pancreatic carcinoma, especially early detection and novel therapies, would be closest to the areas of interest for Sky Foundation. The funding must be for a project where the results lead to valuable preliminary data that could lead to a larger grant that would potentially be transformative. Overlap with existing sources of funding should be clearly identified in the Other Support document. Funding is to cover direct costs only, and costs should be reflected in the budget.
Selection Criteria
All proposals received and accepted for review will be reviewed by physicians/researchers with special interests in the field of pancreatic diseases. They will review the proposals and make recommendations for funding based on the merit of the proposed research, including its relevance to the field of pancreatic diseases. The Scientific Advisory Committee will make a report to the Governing Board. Only by a positive vote of the Board can proposals be accepted for funding. Applicants will be notified by the end of September 2024.
Non-Profit Statement
Sky Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Funding can only be granted to institutions that can attest to their similar non-profit status.
The notification of the decision of Sky Foundation’s Governing Board regarding funding will be sent to the applicant and the Institutional Representative approximately the end of September 2024, articulating the project year dates for compliance.


Applicant Criteria Applicants must be employed by a U.S. non-profit institution engaged in health-related research, a physician or have an advanced degree (MD, DO, PhD, or international equivalent). Further, work sponsored by Sky Foundation must be conducted in the U.S. In case of a change in institutions while applying for or utilizing funds from Sky Foundation, applicants must notify our organization, and will be subject to review based upon the change in circumstances. Collaborations with more senior scientists in an advisory or mentorship role during this project are viewed favorably during the review process.
Potentially three or more $50,000 awards will be granted, judged to be the best application from each of three categories of applicants. Researchers of three categories are eligible:
  1. A postdoctoral fellow or non-tenure track faculty member
  2. A pre-tenured tenured track faculty member and
  3. A tenured faculty member

For more guidelines, please review Grant Application & Guidelines 2024

Click here to review the full description of our call for proposals.

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This form is currently closed for submissions.