We host three major events a year, in the spring, summer and fall. All fundraisers are designed to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer, the risk factors, the importance of genetic counseling, and updates from researchers working on the early detection, prevention and treatment of the disease. Proceeds from the events become seed-money grants to advance promising research.
Sky Foundation’s Women’s Event is known for providing interesting information from innovative pancreatic cancer professionals. Our event includes a cocktail hour with a 52-Card Raffle and an array of Raffle Baskets, followed by dinner and the professional researchers presentation. Click here to view our photo album from our recent May 2023 event where we featured a panel of professional women experts in the pancreatic field. (Hear firsthand from one of our board members why this event is so special.) This event is a favorite of many in the community due to it’s more intimate setting and continued education.
Sky supporters from all over the country gather in groups, both large and small for the Sky Stroll. Create your own event and raise funds for pancreatic cancer research.
We define our “Stroll” as walking, jogging, running, swimming, biking, picnicking, boating, and more. You create your own team, get inspired, and make this a one-of-a-kind event or join one of your community members.
The Sky Stroll is now in August and September to recognize our Founder, Sheila Sky Kasselman, around her birthday. Sheila passed away from complications of pancreatic cancer in February 2023. Whether you are remembering Sheila, or one of your loved ones, use this as a celebration to honor a survivor or remember a loved one’s story and strength.
If you have family and friends who live elsewhere, they can still participate virtually. Invite them to join your team and they can “stroll” in their city. (It is a more personal event that is shared with family and friends as one of our board member highlights why it is her favorite.) On the day of the event you can upload and share your pictures so we can celebrate the stroll together. To register for a team or create your own, click here.
Beginning 2023, we have our first annual “Pickleball Edition” of the Sky Stroll on August 5th. The Pickleball Event will recognize Sky’s Founder, Sheila Sky Kasselman. Sheila passed away from complications of pancreatic cancer in February 2023. We want to bring people together to raise awarenss in her honor around her birthday. This will be a celebration to remember her story and strength. Click here for more information.
During Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, Sky will host our largest event of the year. We gather together and raise funds for research focused on early detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer and celebrate the strides we have made. (Click here to see why this event is a favorite of many.) This is a ticketed event with a live auction and raffle prizes that draws an attendance between 300 and 400 people. It has previously been held at The Townsend Hotel, MGM Grand, and other popular Detroit venues.
We are excited to announce that the 2023 event will be at The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan on November 9th. We highlight speakers who have been touched by pancreatic cancer, Sky funded researchers, and other pancreas medical experts to educate our community on the progress and hope for the future. Stay tuned for more details to come, including highlighted speakers, registration and sponsorship opportunities.